What type of therapy is AEDP?

Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy

Q: Accelerated? Does that mean I’ll need a session or two and that is it?

A: Not exactly. The idea is that if the patient feels comfortable and understood they will be able to access deep feelings more quickly and that will speed the process of therapy. The theory is that when deep feelings are accessed and shared with an empathetic other, healing occurs, not just emotionally but physically when neural circuitry in the brain is actually changed for the better.

Q: Experiential?

A: As you may know from your own life, we are more likely to be changed by experiences and not explanations. Your therapist is not some wise guru with answers for you. The role of the AEDP therapist is to help you help you have a different experience. It is a difference you feel, not something that is brought about by interpretations or lectures.

Q: Why is it called Dynamic Psychotherapy?

A: This type of therapy recognizes that past experiences can play a role in current behaviors and problems. Therapy also relies on the relationship between the therapist and the patient to help identify patterns in other relationships. A difference between AEDP and more traditional psychodynamic psychotherapy is that in AEDP the therapist is open and communicative about reactions and feelings during the session.

Q: Isn’t therapy supposed to be all about me?

A: It is about healing. Healing doesn’t just occur in isolation. Relationships can encourage and support your natural tendency to heal. By sharing your feelings with a compassionate other, you are not overwhelmed by emotional experience. You are stronger for it.

A few final words: Part of what drew me to this particular type of therapy was the healing orientation. So much of psychiatric treatment is based on what is wrong. Focusing on what is right and risks you are taking right now is exciting and life changing.