New Article Published in JPN Vol. 52, No. 8 (August 2014): Channeling Jane Austen…

I’ve recently been published in the Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services (JPN), August 2014, for the article “Channeling Jane Austen: How It Helped Me Become a Better Psychotherapist”.


The influences on a therapist are many. This article illustrates how a 19th-century novelist, Jane Austen, informs the work of a nurse therapist in the 21st century. The characters in a Jane Austen novel provide perspectives from setting boundaries to handling feelings. Austen’s characters promote an acceptance of less attractive qualities in others and in oneself that can benefit the therapy.


A link to on-line access to this article is: JPN, Volume 52, Number 8, August 2014

Access to the article itself, for those with subscriptions to JPN, can follow this link: Christi Carver Jane Austen Article